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Handling and Storing Polycarbonate Roofing Sheets

By February 8, 2016March 26th, 2020No Comments

To ensure that you get the most out of your investment in polycarbonate roofing, follow these guidelines for handling and storing roofing sheets.
Polycarbonate sheets are amazingly tough; they can withstand strong winds and rains, extremes in temperature and massive force. However, they are prone to scratching, marring and abrasion. If you are not careful you can end up with dented and damaged sheets.
When you start a roofing project, you probably will have bought a bundle of roofing sheets and will need to store them some place for some time. Here are some tips for keeping them from getting damaged while waiting to be installed.

  • Make sure you find a secure and shaded place where you can store the polycarbonate roofing sheets. It is important that there is ample shade. When the sheets are stacked (as they most probably will be), heat tends to build up within the stack, especially if it is left under direct sunlight. This can cause the sheets to warp and distort, which may void the manufacturer’s warranty. It helps to provide for some ventilation within the stack.
  • Store the sheets horizontally and make sure the surface they lay on is absolutely flat. The longest sheets should be at the bottom of the stack.
  • Moisture that gets between the stored sheets may cause whitening and water spotting, so make sure your stack is moisture-free.
  • Do not store the polycarbonate roofing sheets where there are chemicals containing methylated spirits, benzene, petrol, ketones, acetone, phenols, chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum-based paints, abrasive cleaners and solvents. Polycarbonate reacts to these substances and could be damaged by exposure to them.